Coaching and Mentoring

Many professionals use coaching and mentoring as a way of being supported in their professional development and performance over a period of time. KaMSEN can offer bespoke enterprise coaching and mentoring schemes.

KaMSEN has a qualified SFEDI enterprise coach and our team are experienced facilitators and mentors who can support you in your professional role. 

So what are the differences between coaching and mentoring?




The relationship between the coach and coachee is generally short. About 6 sessions

The sessions are generally more structured in nature with scheduled meetings on a regular basis

Short termed and focussed on specific development issues/areas

The coach does not generally need direct experience of the coachees formal job role

The coach will focus on development/issues at work

The session will be focussed on achieving specific goals

About development of specific areas/issues



The relationship between the mentor and mentee can last for a long period of time

Can be much more informal and can take place when the mentee needs some guidance or support

More long term and takes a broader view of the mentee

The mentor usually passes on their experience and is usually more senior in an organisation

The main focus is on career and personal development

The agenda will be support and guidance to prepare them for the future

About developing the mentee professionally